Media Coverage

September Updates on the Defence of Palestine Solidarity in Europe 

Published on Fri Sep 20 2024 - modified on Wed Oct 02 2024

Dear Friend, 

In the past month, we’ve fought some crucial battles and secured a number of legal victories, which we bring to you in this month’s newsletter, along with some useful resources to continue mobilising for Palestine.


BDS Austria: we’re going to the Supreme Court! 

Do you remember our case supporting BDS Austria against the Municipality of Vienna that began in 2021? Our legal battle with the Municipality has taken a crucial turn. Here is where we are at now:

The activists, with the ELSC’s support, are now challenging the Regional Court’s decision before the Austrian Supreme Court. Your support is urgent! Find out more about the case here. For more about how to identify a SLAPP and the scale and nature of SLAPPs in Europe, see here.


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Dana Abu Qamar fighting the racist decision from the British Home Office to cancel her student visa 

After Dana’s appearance on Sky News in October 2023, where she spoke out in solidarity with Palestine, the Home Office cancelled her student visa, leaving her facing deportation. Last month, shocking disclosed emails revealed that MP Robert Jenrick personally intervened to enquire about Ms Abu Qamar, leading to the cancellation of her visa on 1 December 2023. The Home Office claimed her presence was not ‘conducive to the public good’. Read More.

Dana is currently appealing this decision. The ELSC and partner organisations in Britain have requested the new Labour Government to overturn this decision to cancel Dana’s visa.  It has until Friday 20th September to decide.  
We remain undeterred and continue to stand with Dana and activists like her exercising their fundamental rights and speaking out for justice and accountability without having their right of residence being threatened! Join us in supporting her case. 


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“From the River to the Sea”: towards less anti-Palestinian censorship online 

On 4 September 2024, Meta’s Oversight Board established that the phrase “From the River to the Sea” does not constitute hate speech, violence and incitement, as many Zionist groups argued in their requests to Meta to moderate the use of the slogan on the platform. The Board therefore advised Meta not to limit or moderate its use, highlighting that ‘it is also often used as a political call for solidarity (…) and self-determination of the Palestinian people’. Access Now, together with the ELSC, contributed to this outcome by submitting a public comment to the Board. Our submission recalled relevant case law issued by European domestic courts and the applicable international law framework

For more analyses and action against Meta’s targeted and systematic censorship of Palestine-related content, see here and here


Shocking levels of state violence and repression in Germany: Palästina Solidarität Duisburg and Samidoun  

In the early morning hours of the 16th of May 2024, over 50 police officers raided the homes and workplaces of alleged members of the Palestine solidarity group Palästina Solidarität Duisburg (PSDU).  This resulted in the confiscation of the association’s assets, the ban of all their internet presence and the criminalisation of the public display of symbols related to the association.  

While this is an outrageously shocking display of German state repression and authoritarianism, it is not an isolated case. The ministry of Interior of the German state North Rhine-Westphalia explicitly mentioned the German chapter of the Palestine Prisoner solidarity network Samidoun, which was criminalised in Germany in November 2023 by decree by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.  


We call for solidarity with PSDU and Samidoun, and urge to support the ‘’Komitee Gegen das Verbot von Palästina Solidarität Duisburg’’ which fights the ban of the group through legal and political means and collects donations to cover the legal costs.    

Sign the statement in support of Samidoun and the International Campaign Against Anti-Palestinian Repression in Germany hereFor details on how to support Samidoun, see here.

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#BlockTheBoat: let’s stop the MV Kathrin, a vessel illegally carrying military supplies for Israel’s ongoing genocide 

On the 6th of September, our director sent a legal notice to the Portuguese government demanding the removal of its flag from the MV Kathrin, a vessel carrying explosives destined to Israel, “in compliance with the erga omnes obligations to prevent the crime of Genocide.” Read more in this articlepublished by Portuguese media Público. 


Follow and join the global mobilisation to stop the MV Kathrin here. Together we can stop the deadly cargo!


Let’s expose those responsible for our repression and hold them accountable together!  



Gaza has shown European universities are no longer places of free inquiry 

‘The crackdown on pro-Palestinian speech and activism on European campuses does not differ in essence from the repression students face in undemocratic settings’, write ELSC Officer Tasnima and British Academic Misbah in an op-ed published by Al-Jazeera. Read More.


On the 14th of September, our Chief of Advocacy and Communications Alice spoke at a panel at the Amnesty International Belgium (francophone) summer campResponding to the theme on the right to protest, Alice spoke about the growing repression of critical dissent and Palestine solidarity in Europe, and the implications for protests against Israel’s ongoing genocidal onslaught on Gaza and advocacy for accountability and the liberation of Palestine. 

Our Senior Legal Officer managing impact litigation work at ELSC Daan will be speaking at a Palestine Lawfare webinar organised by Justice48. Join us to collectively explore how legal action can challenge government’s complicity and discover ways to get involved.



Explore the Interactive Accountability Map, launched by the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD), which shows measures and sanctions taken since October 2023 by states, parliaments, courts, businesses, civil society groups, and organisations in reponse to the ongoing genocide and Nakba in Palestine.

Most of these actions follow tireless mobilisation and efforts by activists, Palestinians and their allies across the globe who continue to mobilise for justice, accountability, and the liberation of Palestine.  



This month, we are recruiting for two new positions in our team of movement lawyers and advocates! 

We are seeking an Advocacy Officer – Strategic litigation. The deadline for applications is October 1st, 2024. For more details about the position and how to apply, please follow the link below!  

Fellowship Junior Data Researcher: Join our team to support the launch of the Monitoring Database project in Britain. Applications are due by 11 October 2024. 

We are proud to be in community with you. As you continue to organise and take action, make sure to visit our Know Your Rights resources and continue to report any form of repression.  

In solidarity,   

Remember to follow the ELSC on social media and amplify our work!

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If you are interested in empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at

If you would like to put your skills (whether legal, editing, artistic, communications, or any other skills) at the service of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at

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