
The ELSC develops legal tools and engages in strategic litigation to support civil society advocacy and campaigns to end impunity of private and public actors who facilitate Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights.

Our vision

Strategic litigation can be a powerful tool to achieve short-term policy reform and long-term cultural and social change. We ensure accountable and effective implementation of legal strategies by working together closely with the Palestine solidarity movement, which includes Palestinian human rights organisations and grassroots activists.

Our strategic litigation and advocacy projects are developed and implemented together with these stakeholders and are meant to be an instrument to empower the movement in the struggle against apartheid.

Our Projects

Public Procurement

Defunding Attack On Leading Palestinian Farmers Organisation

At the request of campaigners concerned by the participation of companies involved in Israel’s illegal settlements and human rights abuses in EU public procurement procedures, the ELSC has conducted research… Read more

Financial Crimes & Booking.com To Court

financial crime

For a significant amount of time, Palestinian civil society has called for focusing not only on those actors that facilitate and directly contribute to the settlement enterprise, but also on those actors that profit – directly or indirectly – from the illegal Israeli settlements in the OPT. Read more

European Citizens Initiative to Ban Trade with Illegal Settlements

The ELSC assisted seven EU citizens in the preparation of a European Citizens Initiative. Read more