ELSC Year-in-Review: 2020
Published on Fri Jul 30 2021 - modified on Thu Jul 29 2021Today the ELSC announces the release of our 2020 Year-in-Review, which provides an overview our work, achievements and cases in the defence of Palestinian rights advocacy in Europe during 2020.
In 2020, we responded to 39 cases of individuals, groups and organisations who faced repression for their advocacy in 11 European countries. Examples of our work included assisting students and academics in campus disciplinary proceedings for false and inflammatory allegations of antisemitism. In 23 of the cases, we supported litigation or legal defence outside of courts by working with our network of lawyers and partner organisations, and preparing legal opinions, memos and submissions.

Based on extensive ELSC monitoring of repression of advocacy for Palestinian rights across Europe, with a focus on the UK and Netherlands, we expanded our incidents and legal database and raised awareness about unlawful restrictions of fundamental rights and civic space faced by the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe.
Reflecting on our 2020, ELSC Programme Director, Giovanni Fassina shares:
“As we move forward with our work in 2021, in times of growing global mobilization for Palestinian rights, we hope to continue our work in support of the movement. Yet, the ELSC’s work is only possible thanks to the manifold engagement of our friends, including our partner organisations around the world and institutional donors and individuals who have provided generous donations. For this, I and the ELSC team are deeply grateful.”
Click here to read the full report