ELSC Newsletter: June
Published on Mon Jul 12 2021This month we share with you updates from our work around Europe. In Brussels, we sent a joint letter to the EU commission challenging the political instrumentalization of the controversial IHRA definition, in the UK we assisted students and academics to challenge repression when they speak up in defence of Palestinian rights and we challenged PayPal to shape up its policy on account closures.
We also express our sincere condolences to our partner organization Al Haq after the shocking death of brilliant human rights defender Suha Jarrar yesterday. Suha was a legal researcher in Al Haq since 2017. Our hearts and thoughts go to Suha’s family, colleagues and loved ones.

In June, the ELSC joined 9 other networks and European organizations to send an open letter to the European Commission, in anticipation of its “comprehensive strategy on combating antisemitism”, which it is currently in preparation. The letter addresses, among other things, the endorsement and the use of the controversial IHRA definition of antisemitism that has been having a harmful impact on Palestinian rights advocates’ freedom of expression and work.

We ask the Commission to reaffirm its commitment to freedom of expression and to civic space for rights-based advocacy and activism on Israel-Palestine.
Read about the letter and amplify the news:
In the UK, activists, students, academics and even children are facing increasing repression because they speak up about Palestine. The requests of legal support received by the ELSC from UK students and academics have been increasing these past weeks. Individuals have been smeared and face complaints because they tweeted or signed letters in support of Palestinian human rights and criticizing Israeli violations of international law. In schools, children have been punished because they expressed support for Palestine and sometimes, they had to face the police. See this Channel 4 documentary and this report by MEND.
If you know anyone who has faced repression for Palestinian rights advocacy whether at school, work, or during a protest in public space or online, make sure to fill out our incident report form. This information enables us to track how Palestinian advocacy is attacked and silenced, helping us to better defend activists in times of need and push back against shrinking civic space.
If you know anyone who has faced repression for Palestinian rights advocacy whether at school, work, or during a protest in public space or online, make sure to fill out our incident report form. This information enables us to track how Palestinian advocacy is attacked and silenced, helping us to better defend activists in times of need and push back against shrinking civic space.
At the ELSC, our team has been working tirelessly to ensure Palestinian rights activists are supported and defended. When needed, we work in partnership with local lawyers to bring cases before national courts. This summer, we are aiming to raise €5000 to make sure we are able to offer legal assistance to everyone at risk or affected by repression. We are €3000 away from our goal. Will you help us reach this goal with a one-time or monthly donation to our legal aid fund?
For more information on how to make your donation tax-deductible, please contact fundraiser@elsc.support.
Nearly two dozen rights groups, including the ELSC and our partner 7amleh, have joined together to tell PayPal and its subsidiary Venmo to shape up its policies on account freezes and closures.
“While companies like Facebook and YouTube have faced substantial scrutiny for their history of account closures, financial companies like PayPal have often flown under the radar. Now, the human rights community is sending a clear message that it’s time to change,” said EFF International Director of Freedom of Expression Jillian York.
PayPal has an history of closing accounts of Palestinian rights activists and of lacking of services in Palestine, as reported by 7amleh. More than 170 000 people also signed a petition asking PayPal to stop discriminating against Palestinians. Its transparency must be addressed.
Read the letter to PayPal here
15 June 2021, 7amleh – The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, published its findings of the Index of Racism, Hatred and Incitement against Arabs and Palestinians. The study covers online violations and threats to the digital rights of Palestinians in Hebrew from the 6th to the 21st May 2021, particularly at the height of the last Israeli aggression on Palestinians. The findings show a 15-fold increase in violent speech compared to the same time period last year.